Habitat Sarasota recently assisted a veteran with a critical roof repair, bringing a feeling of comfort to his home. This Veteran’s Day, Bill Nickerson proudly flies his American flag at the home he has lived in for over 25 years.
Mr. Nickerson served in the United States Navy for 20 years as a visual communicator. He moved to Sarasota in 1949 and his home is the central gathering spot for five generations of extended family, many of whom serve in different branches of the US Armed Forces. Every holiday, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gather from all over the country to stay with Mr. Nickerson and celebrate as a family.
Over the years, the roof deteriorated but without the funds to replace it, Mr. Nickerson was doing his best to live with a badly leaking roof. When Habitat Sarasota had the roof inspected, we found that nearly all of the decking was rotten, shingles were missing in several places, and there were several leaks. Essentially, the entire roof needed to be replaced.
Nationwide, nearly 4 million of our veterans pay at least 30 percent of their income toward rent or mortgage, while more than 1.5 million pay at least 50 percent. As you can imagine, using half of your income to pay your rent or mortgage is an enormous strain on any budget.
A roof replacement was a critical fix to continue living in the home, but Mr. Nickerson simply did not have the budget for repairs. As the leaks worsened, Mr. Nickerson’s quality of life was affected. Thankfully, his granddaughter heard about Habitat Sarasota helping veterans in need of a roof repair and insisted he apply for the Critical Home Repair program.
With a new roof installed, Mr. Nickerson now looks forward to hosting his entire family for Thanksgiving. This year, he has a lot to be thankful for. In addition to the roof replacement, Habitat Sarasota is utilizing our brush with kindness program to paint his house. On November 16, a group of volunteers from the Fellowship of Believers Church will help Mr. Nickerson and his family members paint the exterior of his home.
Do you or anyone in your household serve or currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces? Find out how Habitat Sarasota can help with your housing needs.
Support Critical Home Repair
If you would like to make a difference for another veteran or active military member of our community, please support our Critical Home Repair program today. Together, we build.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Habitat Sarasota is grateful to Taylor Morrison for funding this roof replacement through our Critical Home Repair program.
Exterior paint donated by Valspar.
Brush with Kindness funded by Fellowship of Believers Church.