The Road to Hammock Place
The excitement is mounting as we get closer to breaking ground on our first home in Hammock Place. Our Construction Administrator, Danny Bilyeu, is steadily working on the final projects that need to be completed before we can pour the first foundation.
Rough grading of the roads and home sites is underway, the curbs are all now finished, and perimeter fence is complete. Realtors with Realtor Association of Sarasota Manatee were the first Team Build at Hammock Place and worked three straight days installing the perimeter fence. RASM volunteers installed 700 feet of fence in just three mornings!
Florida Power & Light will soon hook up electrical and we are waiting to receive the permit to install the entry sign. Just in time for Thanksgiving, Habitat Sarasota expects to receive the permit to begin construction on the first home, which is fully funded by FCCI Insurance Group through the Community Tax Credit Program, which includes 200 hours of volunteer service by their employees.
We are entering this year’s holiday season with thankful hearts and appreciation for all of the support we have received from the community. The Campaign for Hammock Place has now surpassed $4 million toward our goal of $7 million. Please help us spread the word by sharing our video and encouraging your friends and family to give a gift to Habitat Sarasota this holiday season.