What happens when ‘stay at home’ means staying in an unhealthy place?
As a result of COVID-19, more than 300 million people in 42 states have been asked to “stay at home” — and now more than ever, home is everything.
Home is the place to stay safe from a global pandemic. And for many of us, our home also has suddenly become our school, our barbershop, our restaurant, our office, our movie theater. For many, “stay at home” has meant the inconvenience of a changed routine. But for more than 19 million U.S. families sheltering in place, the substandard, overcrowded or unaffordable housing situations they live with have only increased their feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability.
All of us at Habitat Sarasota know firsthand that better, affordable living conditions lead to improved health and stronger childhood development. We know that they give families the ability — and financial flexibility — to make forward-looking choices. Proper shelter creates jobs, revitalizes neighborhoods, attracts employers, increases consumer spending and government revenues, and
Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. At Habitat Sarasota, with community support like yours, we have partnered with more than 300 families who now have a permanent, affordable place to call home.
The need doesn’t go away just because the economy has stalled. In fact, the need is growing.
- Forty percent of renters are considered cost-burdened.
- Nearly six million Americans live in substandard housing.
- In an estimated 12 million of these households, at least one contributing member works in an at-risk industry.
homes, communities, hope + you
Before this pandemic, Sarasota was already experiencing a housing crisis. Families need Habitat Sarasota now more than ever. And, now more than ever, we need you. Join our Homes, Communities, Hope + You campaign today!
We are asking our friends and followers on social media to post a selfie of themselves or their families with a simple handwritten sign: “Habitat Sarasota + me”. (Partnering organizations can + their company names or logos.)
Starting Monday, May 11, please share your selfies to show that people are joining together from all over the world in support of Habitat during this time and creating a new community and hope – exactly what Habitat is known for.
The goal is to saturate the internet with a positive visual of community, solidarity and hope during this time.
sample social media post