Ramona was born in the Dominican Republic, and became a Permanent Resident 15 years ago with many hopes and dreams and a love for flowers. For the past 20 years, Ramona has taken her passion for floral design and made it a career. She loves creating original arrangements and the smiles and happiness they produce.
Ramona fantasized about owning a home one day, and five years ago, she started to take steps to get her finances in order in hopes of reaching her homeownership goal through Habitat Sarasota. Living in Tampa while commuting to Sarasota to work, there were times when she found herself driving home in the middle of the night, only to return a few hours later. Being a single mother and depending on babysitters to stay late into the night was a challenge Ramona often faced. However, it was the limited time with her son that propelled her decision to transition to Sarasota. Finding affordable housing proved to be a constant challenge.

Although Ramona has faced some trials over the last few years, she beams with happiness when she talks about their new Hammock Place home. Ramona exclaimed, “I can’t wait to do laundry. I have never had a washing machine… a dishwasher… a garage… or… space. I am so excited about everything!”
“Thank you to everyone at Habitat Sarasota, I am just so happy.”
expresses Ramona.
Ramona’s dream of having a home of her own will come true this summer. Her son will have space to study and grow, and Ramona will finally have peace of mind.